School’s in!

… true to this quote from Nelson Mandela, Hansen did not hesitate to act. We have set ourselves the goal of supporting people who are particularly affected by poverty or misfortune. Many of the families we help in our projects often have many children and are very poor at the same time. Needless to say, their children can’t go to school because they don’t have the money. Hansen couldn’t get over the fact that although we actively help the families by giving them a goat, for example, to help them out of poverty, we leave behind the most powerful weapon against poverty: schooling!

So Hansen called a good friend who is a teacher and asked her if she would teach a class for us. She donated half of her time and we financed the other half. No sooner said than done. Since then, 11 girls and 14 boys have been eagerly learning. The project is now in its fourth year. Well done!